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Astride the river Severn, the town sits on a gap in the sandstone formed by the river that also cuts it in two giving the town two levels. These are joined by the steepest inland railway in Britain; this has been transporting pedestrian visitors since 1892.

Once at the top there is amazing views especially at night when the lights can be seen over the valley.

This historic town has much charm and is rated as one of the finest looking Shropshire towns. St Leonard’s church has a cluster of attractive buildings in the close the many gabled grammar school is a fine building.

The Castle with its amazing leaning stonework sits in a pretty park all that remains after the conflicts in the area during the civil war. The Severn valley railway also calls here and you can jump on for a trip down to Kidderminster.

On Northgate, there is a small museum set in a surviving gatehouse also check out Bishop Percy’s house, which dates from 1580.

Activities in Bridgnorth

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