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Ross On Wye

Ross On Wye

Standing on a sandstone outcrop the Market town of Ross on Wye looks dreamlike, with the beautiful spire of St Mary’s church rising up from timbered houses woods and water meadows to draw its reflection in the lazy meandering River wye below.

The town was made famous in the 18th century when the poets Alexander Pope and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, both wrote tributes to the philanthropist john Kyrle 1637 - 1724. This man dedicated his wealth and his life to the poor people of the parish.

His accomplishments include introducing public water supply, restoring the church including a great bell, laying out a public garden as well as the building of a causeway to Wilton Bridge.

There are memorials to him in the church and just next to the church where he is commemorated on a building as the Man of Ross a name bestowed on him by Pope and which he became known as ever since. The gateway to Prospect Park has another memorial to him; there are great views from here of the surrounding area.

In the town centre there is a charming 17th century market house, which sits on several sandstone pillars upstairs it houses the tourist information office.

Activities in Ross On Wye

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