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Stanway about 1 mile south of Stanton is a small hamlet which is completely dominated by Stanway House, a Jacobean manor house, owned by the Earl of Wemyss and March.

The gatehouse to the hall is magnificent and well worth a detour to take in.
Standing next to the House is the pretty church of St Peter's which was rebuilt in the 12th century.

Stanway possesses an unusual war memorial which is situated at the south side of the village, at the junction of the B4077 road The bronze of St George and the Dragon is by Alexander Fisher, the stone column and plinth by Sir Philip Stott carved by Eric Gill.

Notable visitors to the village include the author J. M. Barrie who stayed at Stanway House in the 1920s.

Parts of the Johnny Depp film, The Libertine, were filmed at the hall. Another film that use this location was Vanity Fair.

Activities in Stanway

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